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strange bug

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Elessar Telrunya:
i just posted two things prior to this and then left the sight to look around another sight... when i came back, it said that the people who had posted before me in both places had posted but they hadnt and when i come back to the page from seeing that they hadnt posted again, it is corrected. :blink: any thoughts?

-Lord Elessar


--- Quote ---when i came back, it said that the people
--- End quote ---
What's "it" ?


Elessar Telrunya:
the part circled here is the "i"

-Lord Elessar

[attachment deleted by admin]


--- Quote ---the part circled here is the "i"
-Lord Elessar
--- End quote ---
Mm, the info there comes from a sql query. And it it was corrected, then maybe it was a error while reading the database. Those things happen.

It might be something else, if the connection problems can come from ISS<->php, then maybe php<->IIS<->mysql isn't that good either.


Same thing happens to me. It says last post in Doriath was in February, when the real last post way this morning.


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