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Guild Wars Emotes!

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--- Quote ---Male elementalist = Elaine Dance - Seinfeld

Male necromancer = jump around dance!

--- End quote ---

I list some of the dances in the first post, I would call the necro male's dance a "headbanging slam dance" or a "mosh". Is that the proper way to use the word mosh? Can I say a "mosh dance"? I obviously have very limited experience with concert environments. Mostly I spend most of my time a concerts threatening drunk teenagers.



Male Warrior - Vincent Vega's dance from Pulp Fiction.
Female Warrior - Mia Wallace's dance from Pulp Fiction.
Male Ranger - Breakdance.
Female Ranger - (Somewhat) Exotic dance.
Fe/male Monk - Fighting routine dance.
Male Necro - Headbanging dance.
Female Necro - Zombie dance from Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Male Elementalist - The Elaine dance from Seinfeld.
Female Elementalist - Exotic dance.
Fe/male Mesmer - Irish Tapdancing!


Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---Fe/male Monk - Fighting routine dance.
--- End quote ---

Fighting Routine Dance? O.o And here was me,  thinking it was just a show of acrobatics...

(If I remember correctly...) Both the male and female do spinning kicks, or at least the jump for one, overextended-tension versions of palm heels, and other fighting moves while they do "acrobatics."

I don't take karate for nuthin', man.



--- Quote ---Fe/male Mesmer - Irish Tapdancing!
--- End quote ---

I believe it is called a "Celtic Jig", gotta be acurate on that if we're gonna be Culann's Hounds.



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