Guild Wars > Guild Wars General

Guild Wars Emotes!

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Nothing on the chest bump yet. =P


--- Quote ---/goteam

Nothing on the chest bump yet. =P
--- End quote ---

List updated: 58 (counting /chest if there is an alternative)

In dances i saw that the male necro does a brutal mosh pit routine.

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---In dances i saw that the male necro does a brutal mosh pit routine.
--- End quote ---

420 says the male elementalist does the uhh.... whatever i cant remember the exact words he used but it was something from seinfield apparently

-Elessar Telrunya

PS: Sorry I had to leave on ya just as we were getting started again Chul!

Male elementalist = Elaine Dance - Seinfeld

Male necromancer = jump around dance!



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