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My server doesn't show anymore. It showed a few weeks ago before I got some MSN Virus. It's gone now. Anyways. I'm on dialup so I can't do all that router stuff in the other threads. I don't have a firewall enabled. I just want to host it so I can make sure stuff works with others till I get a better connection. Any help would be appreciated.

With dailup it will go very very slow.

The thing you need to make sure is that your nwserver port gets visible on the internet. So that other poeple can connect to it. With dailup this shouldn't be a problem. Exept if your provide blocks it.


Yeah i'm not hosting to loads of people. Just testing things. Anyways. How do I "make sure is that your nwserver port gets visible on the internet"??

Normally, if you can connect with your client to your internet adress and port (5212), then others can too. If you want to be 100% sure, give your ip to poeple you want to join and let them try. With dailup this shouldn't be a problem. (exept the horrible "speed" you'll get with it)

If you want to be listed in gamespy, don't forget the "GameSpy Enable" in the nwnplayer.ini, it should be set to 1.



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