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IP blocked?


Seems like my IP is blocked or something. It's just from today, I could acces the server fine before. Maybe Mo can take a look at it? (I'm using a server in the us to get on right now)

Btw, using 1000 as port is a bit weird, usual they don't use ports under 1024.


Changed IP, can acces it again. Weird in fact.


Access what? LM?  I have no choice to use port 1000 as my ISP redirects port 80 to their own web servers.  I tried to get that changed but they weren't very helpful.  I will try again.


--- Quote ---Access what? LM?  I have no choice to use port 1000 as my ISP redirects port 80 to their own web servers.  I tried to get that changed but they weren't very helpful.  I will try again.
--- End quote ---
To acces the server, also GodSpire. But well it's fixed after a IP change. Maybe my ISP has something to do with it as I could connect useing other servers. Just strange that it only happend for this server.

Using port 1000 works, it's just a bit weird as it's in the range of the "well know ports". And if I use port 80, it normally should load the ISP's site? Because I just timeout on it.


Cause it's for personal website and I do not have one there.


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