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--- Quote ---I know.. it's weird

me: Joined: 25-June 04
you: Joined: 29-June 04

--- End quote ---
GodSpire is older than the oldest record in the database running on LM right now. So that date says nothing at all for older players. And not all players register on Lm on the same day they first join GodSpire.

Nothing weird on it :)


Plus the fact that yes LM has been restarted.

Elessar Telrunya:
indeed, i know for a fact(i think) that shade has been around longer than me, but i'm not sure about you, bzk... i've been getting so confused with dates and whatnot that i think i should just say i've been here since just a bit after the start of spring 2004. hmmm... i think you did come to GodSpire around juneish though... i'm not sure =/

-Lord Elessar

If i had to estimate I've been at GodSpire since April 2003.

I know I made my return to NWN around April/May 2004.  I remember because it was around finals time for me.  I didn't join LM till July and that was when I joined DE.  So this would mean that BzK must've appeared on GodSpire before June unless he started playing after me  :blink:  which I doubt.


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