LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

regarding doriath private forum access issues

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theres a mod I saw where it edits any forum catorgie you want and you can add ips to it, the only people with the ips on the list can enter, should we try it out mo n mel?


--- Quote ---theres a mod I saw where it edits any forum catorgie you want and you can add ips to it, the only people with the ips on the list can enter, should we try it out mo n mel?
--- End quote ---
Maybe, but not today, I don't have the time right now.


no... I'll install it, I'm asking you if I should

why even password it? honestly what would you guys have to hide form the rest of the lm community....i sure as hell cant think of anything

Blood Angel:
We have our own reasons. Some things shouldn't be shared with the rest of the LM community.


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