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regarding doriath private forum access issues

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i dont think anything sinister has gone on here. i clicked onto the link from front of site to a topic and it let me straight in. i was unaware of it it supposed to being passworded.

i can prove this because it also let me into the thread about intruders in doriath private after anheg said he changed password.(ergo reason to produce this thread)

so three possiblities problem, cookie issue , accidently allowed me access(most likely)

2. im an elite hacker capable of hacking into a website password forum 2 seconds after password change ( not likely)

3.i have mind powers ( get real)

ok, I know the reison, when Doraith asked for another forum, and there private forum moved, whoever made the doriath forum forgot to password it, but now it's passworded with the password that anghed told me to but, although, the doriath priveate password and doriath forum password are different ....

that probably made no sence but what i'm saying is that anheg, your members didn't give out the password, whoever made the doriath forum made a mistake with putting the password on, the doriath private forum has ALWAYS had a passsowrd

Blood Angel:
I'd like the password. Hasn't been pmed yet and it bugs me.......

Doriath Private is the only area that is supposed to be passworded. The Doriath [general] was crated because people complained about not being able to see anything. If you need the password PM me a message and i will send it to you.


--- Quote ---ok, I know the reison, when Doraith asked for another forum, and there private forum moved, whoever made the doriath forum forgot to password it[snapback]19013[/snapback]
--- End quote ---
I'm 100% sure I passed it. And that I didn't make mistakes. Also, I didn't move the forum, but just the posts to the new sub-sub-forum. Atm, the forum that should be have a new passwd still has the old, and the forum that shouldn't have 1 has a new passwd. Just, it's like 'wtf?'. On top of it, you can vieuw the new passwd in the forum that has the old passwd. Other words, anyone who has the old pass will also have the new one. Nice securety here. :wacko:

It's not really likely that someone gets past the passwd without knowing it, or the portal messed with things or the doriath poeple just can't keep the pass secret.

Eitherway, maybe it's a good idea to make premissionmasks for clans. There won't even be need of a passwd then, and it's more secure.

So, I recommend to change the passwd again and only pass the doriath private forum. Or just make/ask for a setup with premissions. In the last case an admin will have to know the members and add them.



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