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I'm curious.  How does it compare with phpBB?

well, IceBB is a bit different than phpbb and much newer, IceBB is still in the beta stage.. from what I hear they are both easy to change around...

I tried to use IceBB and it didnt work, i have no clue why. Now i use phpbb and it works.

Well at this stage it seems as if it has nothing original that would attract developers into using it.  I think I'll stick to phpBB.  Granted IceBB is we'll see what they'll have in store for us.

Maybe it will become something, but right now it's too much like invision (actually, abnormal much) and it's very limited. Talking about securety, functions, mods, bandwith, then Phpbb is way better (again, right now). Phpbb is more mature anyway.

That it's limited also has it good parts. It's not as complicated as ipb for example.

I think phpbb is the best thing there is. Standard it's not the most advanced board, but once you modded it, it's the best thing you can have and also completly fits to your needs. Can't say that of ipb or icebb.



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