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Random Ranting Topics.

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i say kepp them y throw them away, they might be needed in some way soon.

Here are reasons, for you to vote one way or another:

1) Less topics in RR means more speed, LM could run faster and smoother and I/us (being the admins) won't be so frustrated with spam, and more members might come back.
2) The more topics in RR means you can look at them, but I'll still stay strict on spam and we (being the admins) can look back at the topics and use them for purposes on warning a member.

Choose your fate!

The RR topics could never be used, unless for judging for warning a member.
I'm pretty startled that more are saying get rid of them... Wow.

Mel, can you change my member title to "Spam Hunter"? I really like the sound of that...



--- Quote ---Mel, can you change my member title to "Spam Hunter"? I really like the sound of that...

--- End quote ---
Maybe, I just gave hippo his title back. He already had it.

Whatever, I'll add it, but this doesn't means I'm going to give evryone in here a title  <_<


Only people with high priorities here can have editted member titles! :P I like this new title, thanks Tea-cup.

Anyway, keep up the good work those who have voted get rid of topics!


Blood Angel:
can't get rid of RR, doofer wouldn't be able show he's actually been on LM before if you remove his rants ^^


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