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Random Ranting Topics.

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Soul Sojourner:
Anybody who is'nt new knows Doofer anyway. Besides, we can let his post count tell them the story.... Suck a F&*^&IN Tic Tac!!!!

lets move them to the


--- Quote ---Maybe, I just gave hippo his title back. He already had it.

Whatever, I'll add it, but this doesn't means I'm going to give evryone in here a title  <_<

--- End quote ---

can i have a title

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---lets move them to the
--- End quote ---

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Because the nice 6 for, 6 against, I just enbaled random ranting like it was before. The poll will stay open too.

Moving to destinyawakening is a option too, but then someone has to do a load of work to move them, it's a other type of board there.



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