LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Random Ranting Topics.

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Soul Sojourner:
Mel said that we need to wait for Nathan to get back to decide what to do with Random Ranting. Until then, what does the community think? Should we keep the old posts or not? By deleting them, that would free up space, and things would run a bit smoother, but by keeping them, you can look at some old things you want to see, or perhaps maybe you just want to keep the topics from the Game Subforums or whatnot? Answer in the poll what you think.

if we are indeed getting rand ranting back we should have all our topics back

Soul Sojourner:
Personally, I say let them all go, and get a fresh start. Know what I mean? Alot was spam anyway.


--- Quote ---Personally, I say let them all go, and get a fresh start. Know what I mean? Alot was spam anyway.
--- End quote ---
I argee

I did edit the last option a bit, it wasn't too clear if it was for or against the old topic/posts. And the poll is going in a different way than I expected. Interesting.



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