LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Random Ranting?

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--- Quote ---gez doofer :(

--- End quote ---
gez what?

blood u get ur ass on the new forum so we can have sum fun


--- Quote ---Err, I recall someone saying it would be back the 8th. It now is the 8th, so is Random Ranting going to be up tomarrow or what? I hope so! W00T.[snapback]18246[/snapback]
--- End quote ---
I'm waiting for Nathan before changing something. I need to know if he want's a clean new random ranting or would like that all the old post are in there. In the case he wants a clean one, I can remove all the topic's and posts from the database. So it's size gets reduced. How smaller how better and faster.

If you think poeple here should have a word in it too, make a poll :P
Something like, "keep the old topics or not?"


Blood Angel:
gez you've given up on LM and don't wanna fight for what originally was 'yours'.


hey nath himself said LM is gonna be mostly for godspire ppl, and since i dont play there (i dont even play nwn nemore) why would i stay here?

because, there's a wow section, an anime section a gw section and a random ranting section =) anyways, if you don't want to stay then you don't have to


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