LucidMagic > Feedback & Community


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I wonder what skin poeple like the most, knowing it can help me to look at what I can improve (if it's needed). All suggestion related to the look and feel of the site may go here too. There a load I could do, I just don't know where to start.

All other idea's are welcome in the feedback forum.


Blood Angel:
everything works on rooq, and it has a sleak look as well, so that's my fav. Only thing I don't like is that it says 'YourTitle' at the top.

|- Shion -|:
i not even know how that skins are so i randomed choices any one !!!  <_<


--- Quote ---everything works on rooq, and it has a sleak look as well, so that's my fav. Only thing I don't like is that it says 'YourTitle' at the top.
--- End quote ---
Well, I did made a logo for that a while ago. (uploaded that 1 again) Probably will make 1 for most of the skins. And, dunno if it's for all members so, but the chooser in the gothic skin works for me now, it didn't before.


Soul Sojourner:
I like the Gothic Labrynth one personally. Sept for the fact that there seems to be no logo, a few things r out of alignment, and the smilies that get put in titles and stuff are square. But other than that it's my fav =)


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