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Doriath Forum

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Blood Angel:
cletus is delly rogers, he's in doriath now.


--- Quote ---Actually im not 100% sure about that "if joined or no by pw screen" , i need to confirm that with Mel . But seriousily i not expected a guy like ya than always calls urself a high morale guy to do that.
--- End quote ---
There's a option to let show the topic name of a topic in a protected forum whent here's a new post. For the board this is set off, so you get "In: Protected Forum" instead of the name. But the portal doesn't has that function, so it shows the name. There isn't any difference and they can't acces the forum without the pass.

If you think you can't trust your members with he pass. There are other ways to limit the acces to a subforum.


|- Shion -|:
Thx mel and celest to have esclareced my dobuts about it .

Your welcome. I'm guessing this thread is done, or do you have other questions?


Done and done, cheers


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