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Doriath Forum

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Ok so shion just sent me a pm telling me to get out of their forum, i was never in it however. the portal showed the topics and i clicked on them but got the password screen

the forum is obviously seeing this as being in the doriath forum when its not. i am writing this as anheg said cletus was in their forum as well. this could be for the same reason as me.


|- Shion -|:

--- Quote ---Ok so shion just sent me a pm telling me to get out of their forum, i was never in it however. the portal showed the topics and i clicked on them but got the password screen

the forum is obviously seeing this as being in the doriath forum when its not. i am writing this as anheg said cletus was in their forum as well. this could be for the same reason as me.

--- End quote ---
Actually im not 100% sure about that "if joined or no by pw screen" , i need to confirm that with Mel . But seriousily i not expected a guy like ya than always calls urself a high morale guy to do that.

im not going to argue, i do not have the password, and i didnt not try to get around it. nothing more to say


--- Quote ---Actually im not 100% sure about that "if joined or no by pw screen" , i need to confirm that with Mel . But seriousily i not expected a guy like ya than always calls urself a high morale guy to do that.
--- End quote ---

If you see "James_2k" in the doriath subforum, check the topics within there. If you see "James_2k" as reading a topic, then he is in there. If not, he is not.

You are essentially "in" the doriath forum when you go to the password screen, but cannot read topics. I could be seen in there if I were to go to the password screen.

I trust James, and as far as I care, he doesn't have the password.


Thanks Celest,

there is a simple test, wait until one of the private threads appears in the portal, click on it to go to the password screen, and then go to the 'last click' page (using one click else it will say your at the index :))



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