Other > Random Ranting

Anybody here go to military school?


Sometimesi hear about military schools like Virginia Military Institue or.. West Point i guess...

Also, some american guys seem to say, "Yup i went to military school" as if it is a maturing experience, like.. a rtie of manhood. It sounds pretty good. Maybe they help you get a better idea of yourself there?

Anyone here go to or planning to go to a military school? What do you like abou tthem?

And .. any girls here, what do you think of military type guys?

Im not military at all, so thi sis just conversation...

ur the off topic king by far gashmo..

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---And .. any girls here, what do you think of military type guys?

--- End quote ---
girls can go to military school to dumbass.

--- Quote ---ur the off topic king by far gashmo..
--- End quote ---

how can he be? he started a topic about military schools and he stayed on topic.

-Lord Elessar


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