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SDK-Samurai Deeper Kyo


I have to say this manga has to be my all time favorite, the art, the plot, the characters... just soo well done it is really amazing!  I have 1-10 in the american Manga from TokyoPop and I truly enjoy reading it!  If any of you have heard of SDK please let me know what you think of it :)


YES. This is an incredibly good manga. I highly recomend this to everyone. It's 28 volumes long, a very long story with a deep involving plot. It's similar to rurouni kenshin, in a way anyway. It's much more violent and exciting (yes it's possible). Basically what it's about is a legendary bloodthirsty samurai, Kyo (demon eyes kyo), was removed from his body and his soul was put into another man, kiroshiro. Both souls inside kiroshiro's body are fighting for control. Kyo wants to control kiroshiro's body so he can go and get his body back, but kiroshiro tries desperately to supress him because when kyo comes out he slaughteres people. That's the basic story, it gets really complicated and I'm kinda confused right now @.@ but it's awesome so go read it! :3


Read this manga people, it's my #1 favorite and you might just like it yourself, I have to say it's quite awesome!



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