LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

how do you guys like

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having a portal is quite handy, saves time trying to find all the new topics

just one question: is it possible to get back to the portal w/out typing in again?


--- Quote ---having a portal is quite handy, saves time trying to find all the new topics

just one question: is it possible to get back to the portal w/out typing in again?
--- End quote ---
Clicking the logo does send you there. Ow there isn't one in the gothic skin :P

Make a boodmark to just put that somewhere you easy can acces it. I'm not going to edit any skin before I get some oppinions about the other installed skins from some admins. I saw too much skins ending up deleted by an admin afther I worked on them to get the running fine.


ok its cool, take ur time to make this a better site


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