Other > Fun and Games

Brain Teasers!

(1/5) > >>

A man walks into a bar.  He goes up to the bartender and asks for a glass of water.  Instead of giving the water, the bartender takes out a gun and points it right at the man's face.

"Thank you," the man said.  He leaves the bar.  The bartender puts his gun away, and resumes his work.

What's going on?

Hint:  The answer is very logical.  No stupid things like "it's a water gun".

PM me if you think you know the answer!  (Try not to cheat...there's nothing to be proud of if you cheat :P)

Well, 3 people messaged me.  One got it :P.

Here's the answer (or if you don't want to know...don't go down):

He had hiccups.

Whoooooooooooooo I WIN.

Elessar Telrunya:
a man was hanged in a barn with a puddle of water beneath him. he evidentally had hanged himself, but there aren't any stools or anything for him to have stood on to put his head through the noose. how did he manage to get his head through the noose to hang himself?

-Lord Elessar

Here is the answer

He was standing on an Ice Block with the noose around his neck and it slowly melted creating a puddle  :)  I win


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