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FFXI Characters and Classes

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FFXI has an enormous size to it.  Many MANY people playing on lots of different servers.  There are 6 starting classes that believe it or not are just as good as the advanced classes you are able to achieve at lvl 30.  One of the unique things about FFXI is the sub jobs to each class which you can aquire at lvl 18 by doing a quest.  Also by reaching lvl 30 you can begin the quests for the many advanced classes which are: Samurai, Dark Knight, Paladin, Ninja, Beastmaster, Summoner, Ranger, Dragoon,  and Bard. As for First class there is: Warrior, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, and Thief.  These classes all have their advantages and disadvantages but in my opinion, all of them are excellent.  And last but not least the Races are: Hume M/F, Elvaan M/F, TaruTaru M/F, Mithra F, and Galka M.  There are quite a few hairstyles and colors and a variety of classes to choose from enjoy!
**Note FFXI is VERY different from any of the previous Final Fantasy games**

And for more information please visit www.PlayOnline.com

is it Realtime or Turn based?



omg its turn based?!?!??!?!?! er.. no thanks really :/
but im sure the game has merit.

No, it's not exactly turn based. It's not RPG style turn based anyway, where you enter a battle screen. Basically, when you engage a monster, you have physical and magical attacks. Your physical attack will automatically attack the monster every X seconds depending on your weapon's delay (example, a scythe or other large weapon will have about 7 seconds between swings while a knife will only have 2 or 3). This goes the same with the enemy. You then also have magic. The magic has a cast time and can be interrupted. Once a spell is cast, there is downtime until you can cast the spell again. That's the basic overview, it's a lot more complicated getting into the nitty gritty.


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