Other > Random Ranting
what makes you angry
Sounds like anheg is your typical sports hater. Well i guess you guys are all into punk and heavy metal. So here it goes
-i hate heavy metal
-i hate woman who say "nothing"
-i hate men who show off about there *large member* and when its time to prove it they run off like little girls wearing pink.
-i hate blueberries.
-i hate heavy metal
-i hate punk music
-i hate exams cause there worth like 95950 % of your final grade.
-i hate the color green
-i hate people who do not respect other people just because they are superior in the society.
-i hate anything to do with cleaning! GAH I HATE CLEANING.
-i hate doing the dishes which my parents make me do everyday.
--- Quote ---I hate peoples that have anything bigger or better than me, Which would be most of the men here-........... *Cough*
I'm talking about couches....You dirty bastard!
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haha, that was funny
gotagive you props for that one zen
--- Quote ---Sounds like anheg is your typical sports hater. Well i guess you guys are all into punk and heavy metal. So here it goes
-i hate heavy metal
-i hate woman who say "nothing"
-i hate men who show off about there *large member* and when its time to prove it they run off like little girls wearing pink.
-i hate blueberries.
-i hate heavy metal
-i hate punk music
-i hate exams cause there worth like 95950 % of your final grade.
-i hate the color green
-i hate people who do not respect other people just because they are superior in the society.
-i hate anything to do with cleaning! GAH I HATE CLEANING.
-i hate doing the dishes which my parents make me do everyday.
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lol i dont hate sports, i jsut hate most of the jocks that play them. We have a major problem with stuck up people in my school (Jocks make up the biggest number of them).
--- Quote ---I hate Zen, and Gashmo at the moment.
I also hate the following:
General idiots
Grammar idiots
Drinking-and-driving idiots
Other idiots
Ignorant people
"I am better than all other people" additude people
And too much to remember
Did I mention Zen is all of the above?
--- End quote ---
You realize, having '"I am better than all other people" additude people' in there along with all the rest, basically makes you a hypocrite, right?
--- Quote ---You realize, having '"I am better than all other people" additude people' in there along with all the rest, basically makes you a hypocrite, right?
--- End quote ---
I don't think I'm better than anyone else, nor do I have that attitude. I simply don't like idiots.
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