Other > Random Ranting

what makes you angry

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so, what makes you angry??

for me..... it's waiting in line and people that drive slow

Elessar Telrunya:
its people being general assholes and being disrespectful dumbasses with no brains.

-Lord Elessar


--- Quote ---so, what makes you angry??

for me..... it's waiting in line and people that drive slow
--- End quote ---
You  :P

I have probems with persons who have a lack of respect for something (including for herself/himself or objects/lifeforms), but I never get angry, it's better to stay calm and wait for a good moment to strike, if it would be necessary.


I hate peoples that have anything bigger or better than me, Which would be most of the men here-........... *Cough*

I'm talking about couches....You dirty bastard!

I hate Zen, and Gashmo at the moment.
I also hate the following:

General idiots
Grammar idiots
Drinking-and-driving idiots
Other idiots
Ignorant people
"I am better than all other people" additude people
And too much to remember

Did I mention Zen is all of the above?



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