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Computer problem
--- Quote ---I'd use linux if SWG ran on it. (I'm addicted to that game)
--- End quote ---
I also keep at least 1 windows installation somewhere, atm on laptop. Support for all it's devices was easy to do (on 2000) and it's usefull in case I want to run a windows program and linux/unix fail to run it. Win2000 isn't too bad if you clean/fix the standard installation and install cygwin on it. Still gives a bit less preformance and securety, but then you just don't use that windowsbox to run services or heavy things.
I guess winxp just isn't something for me. I like that I tell my pc what it should do and that it actualy does it then. Nothing more and nothing less. I don't like that my pc tells me or trys to guess what I want to do, and doesn't do what it and/or I say. Besides, xp gets unbootable afther 60minutes(average) for me. (also if it's preinstalled by the manufacturer)
It's prolly just me. :unsure:
Who The Man:
What the hell are you doing with your computer? I have no problems with XP. If you don't like messenger and IE uninstall them, want to know how? Feel free to give me a private message. Maybe you can also tell me what it does that makes it guess what you are going to do. When all of your Windows Installations fail then somethings going on. If you want to check what Windows can run on, go to the Microsoft website, it's somewhere in there. Having a problem with viruses? First don't activate Active X controls when you know they're bad. Install SP2. Get an Antivrus (there are really good free ones) and either a hardware or software firewall. Download Spyware killers such as Adaware SE Personal and Spy Bot Search and Destroy. Use common sense when your on the internet. Disable the Windows Auto Recovery thing, because that's where some viruses hide. If your still having problems with viruses then stop using an administrato account and use a Limited account. Use your administratrive account only when you need too. Then make sure you get the latest updates.
WHo the man, that is an excellent example of common freaking sense.
But you know what's more sensical?
Using Linux where you don't have to do any of that shit.
Razor Blade:
my windows XP almost never crashes it does crash however when i am playing GTA III but it's an illegal downloadable game with crack and everything so i guess it's a bit normal tough.....
--- Quote ---What the hell are you doing with your computer? I have no problems with XP. If you don't like messenger and IE uninstall them, want to know how? Feel free to give me a private message. Maybe you can also tell me what it does that makes it guess what you are going to do. When all of your Windows Installations fail then somethings going on. If you want to check what Windows can run on, go to the Microsoft website, it's somewhere in there. Having a problem with viruses? First don't activate Active X controls when you know they're bad. Install SP2. Get an Antivrus (there are really good free ones) and either a hardware or software firewall. Download Spyware killers such as Adaware SE Personal and Spy Bot Search and Destroy. Use common sense when your on the internet. Disable the Windows Auto Recovery thing, because that's where some viruses hide. If your still having problems with viruses then stop using an administrato account and use a Limited account. Use your administratrive account only when you need too. Then make sure you get the latest updates.
--- End quote ---
I know very well how to work with windows, don't worry about that. Also, windows normally does run on the pc the windows comes with. I never had 1 virus or something like it either. If I scan a pc only I used afhter a year with a few updated antivirus programs, I don't find any. I never had spyware/adware/popushit(like gator) either. I know them from wiping them off computers of other poeple that ask me for a hand with it. Also I use a limited user account normally, but to setup the box I have no choise but useing and admin account. :P
I give an example of what I get with winxp: I got a brand new pc out of the package, set it on and booted the preinstalled windows xp with all drivers and stuff. Updated, installed office and adobe programs (photoshop, acrobat). Installed apache, mysql, anivir, sygate firewall. With rebooting between some of them. Afhter a reboot I disabled the windows firewall (as I had installed sygate) and rebooted. The result was a unbootable system. (it did boot with them both on) I didn't configure the sygate firewall and windows firewall yet, I was still setting up the system and didn't touch anything. Searching for the problem gave no result. I normally don't connect to the internet when as long the system isn't finished either. But somethimes I do to start with an updated windows before installing other stuff. I did get xp to crash at the moment it wants to look if the pc is already connected to the internet when you're installing it. Maybe because I don't connect the networkcable when I install winxp? It crashes on random moments too, it's not like it crashes after installing/running 1 program or so, it wouldn't have been a problem if that was the case.
Had problems whit a bit of evrything on winxp, like powermanagement on a laptop (hard point for most oses btw, unix/win2000 aren't good on it either, only linux did it perfectly for me), cd/dvd write drivers, firewalls, networking, ect. Especially networking, I never let something on my network depend on a windows server.
And don't get me wrong, all those things I do, work perfectly on win2000 whitout crashes or problems. (exept powermanagement in some cases) I edit the register often manualy and I never had 1 problem on anything else than winxp. I don't use 3th party tools for those things either. And securety is a pain on windows. Adding a bit bit sercurty to winxp is the main reazon I get it crashed I think. I remove any service like remote acces, remote registery, shared folders/printer and things like write/read/vieuw acces when not needed, for example. And install a sshd (as part of cygwin) to get remote login over an encrypted connection and bash commandline acces. My basic survival kit for any pc I use.
I just wonder, why only xp (home and pro) give problems for me. Even running windows98 in a virtual machine that runs on a linux(debian) that runs on a windows2000 that runs on a linux(gentoo) did run fine for me. (yep doing that is useless, but it was funny to try it and making those oses work together). I just can't see what's good on windowsxp (also called windows NT-5.1), basicly it is windows2000 (also called windows NT-5.0).
Anyway, I can't say I had big computerproblems exept winxp, also as most poeple can work with winxp (and probably love to get viruses/spyware/adware, how you even get infected??), I just conclude it must be me that makes winxp completly crash in an average 60 minutes. And because the next version probably will be worse (for me), I hope the posix oses and their software devlop further like they do now.
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