LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Uploaded files


Did upload the most up to date files, any missing avatart and uploaded files newer than 01/10/2004 and older than 07/01/2005 should be all ok.

If not, tell me :)


go in the admin panel
System Settings  > General Configuration then check out the Path to 'upload' directory... it's set for /uploads, something is wrong with that... that's why you can't upload anything


--- Quote ---go in the admin panel
System Settings  > General Configuration then check out the Path to 'upload' directory... it's set for /uploads, something is wrong with that... that's why you can't upload anything
--- End quote ---
mm, it had a path from the c-drive before. But there isn't a c-drive now so I did change it to the ftp root dir. Seems like that doesn't works, so I'll set the path to the system's root dir, that normally should work fine. I found a other setting why it didn't work too, if it still doesn't works, post it here.

(max upload for a single user is 50mb atm)



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