Guild Wars > Guild Wars General
Razor Blade:
Deathblade Razor is my name!! ;)
Razor Bladedeath
I just realized, I haven't posted current names.
Celestial Awakening (PVP tactic tank [PVP TT!])
Celest Anon (RP tactic tank skill builder)
Celesti Incar (RP ranger, mostly unused for the time being)
You'll most commonly find me on as Celestial Awakening, and that's the name I currently prefer out of the others (not to be called in game, though.)
Mine will be God Viper. In about 2 years I will be known as the only "Viper"
You must have 2 (possibly 3) names. First and Last. Also, no punctuation or symbols.
E.G.: Deadly Viper
Razor Blade:
--- Quote ---Mine will be Viper. In about 2 years I will be known as the only "Viper"
--- End quote ---
How so??
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