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Help getting server running?

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--- Quote ---Sorry for not specifying, but I do not have a router, my firewall was off then i tried and yes post game to net was on...
--- End quote ---
Could you connect to it?

Start the server and try directconnect to
(if this doesn't works download a fresh dedicated nwserver and try with that)
If that works try your-internet-adress:5121
(if that doesn't works you're blocking if of by a firewall)

If that all works and GameSpy Enabled is 1. Then try to look in the list again, be sure you're in the right tab (set Game Type to 0 for action). If it doesn't show's up try to refresh it 2 times or so by going to a other tab and then back to the tab where the game should be. Also, make sure you're not filtering your server out of the list. For example, if you filter out servervaults and AllowLocalChars is set to 0, then it won't show in your list, while it will show whit the filter off.

Firewalls can be a problem here too, make sure you don't block traffic from to your-internet-adress:5121 and back. This is the way gamespy(first-ip:port) and your server use to 'talk' with eachother.

Alternative you can try the attached perl script. It does check if the server is up/down and can return info like, amount of players, module name, server name. (if you don't know what perl is, you better don't try as I don't want to explain that) It did proof to be usefull to me.

If it still doesn't shows up on the list, it maybe be that your provider has something to do with it. Can't really help if it's this case, didn't find anything relevant to this.


Yes, I could connect to it using both of those IP addresses and gamespy is enabled(1) :blink: . This worked before no problem with SoU, now it does not work with HotU and the new patches for me. I'm not sure how to open ports on this crappy firewall I got (free sygate) so that does not help, but like i said, it worked before  :angry2:


--- Quote ---Yes, I could connect to it using both of those IP addresses and gamespy is enabled(1) :blink: . This worked before no problem with SoU, now it does not work with HotU and the new patches for me. I'm not sure how to open ports on this crappy firewall I got (free sygate) so that does not help, but like i said, it worked before  :angry2:
--- End quote ---
If you use sygate, try with 'allow all' set in the menu. Test then, if it's visible only then, you have to set the firewall to allow the trafic nwserver makes.

You can also say to open ports instead the whole application (more secure), but yes, that's harder to do.

If's it's not visible with 'allow all' set, then don't bother about the firewall. But I somewhat think this is why, check it out :P


Ok, I set to allow all and ran again... nothing. This is really started to get wierd. I must be missing some key thing here. I have all the right stuff in the nwnplayer.ini thing and I even shut my firewall off and tried. Nothing. I have tried many times to have ppl try and direct connect to it but it just times out with no connection to server... :(

Question--do you use or have AOL by any chance? If it's a port problem, I might be able to help with a nifty program.



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