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Help getting server running?

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Ok, I got my actual IP address now and Im just wondering how to change the NWServer program to go thro that ip instead of the LAN one? Any ideas?


--- Quote ---Ok, I got my actual IP address now and Im just wondering how to change the NWServer program to go thro that ip instead of the LAN one? Any ideas?
--- End quote ---
Forward the correct port (prolly 5121) from the lan address to the wan address. That's the only way to have poeple connecting.

How do I forward a port? Since I don't have a router I know nothing of this... I think we getting close to the solution. I'm getting all excited and can't wait to unveil my mod I have slaved over =P (not done yet just want to test as I go so I don't release then go "Oh crap, I missed a bunch" :()


--- Quote ---How do I forward a port? Since I don't have a router I know nothing of this... I think we getting close to the solution. I'm getting all excited and can't wait to unveil my mod I have slaved over =P (not done yet just want to test as I go so I don't release then go "Oh crap, I missed a bunch" :()
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Maybe a bit information about the things that connects you to the web may help. What's it called, who made it, ect. Maybe I can find out how to forward a port.


I'm at school right now in my Java class, but I know it is an ActionTec DSL modem using a USB connection. I'm connected to DSL (obviously :)), the exact name of the Modem is hard for me to know til I get home. It is a standard Qwest only modem so it might be on thier website. I'll post again when I find out.


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