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Help getting server running?

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--- Quote ---Question--do you use or have AOL by any chance? If it's a port problem, I might be able to help with a nifty program.

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No, I have Qwest DSL not AOL.

How can I change the IP address the server uses... I think it is trying to set up the server with a LAN IP of :angry2:  thats LAN isn't it?


--- Quote ---How can I change the IP address the server uses... I think it is trying to set up the server with a LAN IP of :angry2:  thats LAN isn't it?
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That's a local network IP. You're sure you're not behind a router? It pretty much looks like you're.

You're IP has to be somewhere between or or This is the IP range your provider has. So it has at least to start with a 65. or a 205.

Btw, you're more lucky than me with your line. Your IP doesn't has to change every day.


Well, when I run an ipconfig it tells me that is my IP... I cannot change this however since when I click on run and the ipconfig it just pops-up and closes. I also looked into upgrading my modem. The program asks for my IP address so i gave them my Connection Failed! So I know that is not my IP by the provider. Is there anyway I could set this to the provided one since the Qwest guy messed it up... I might be calling Tech-Support soon, I just dread the 1 hour "on hold" crap they pull.


--- Quote ---Well, when I run an ipconfig it tells me that is my IP... I cannot change this however since when I click on run and the ipconfig it just pops-up and closes. I also looked into upgrading my modem. The program asks for my IP address so i gave them my Connection Failed! So I know that is not my IP by the provider. Is there anyway I could set this to the provided one since the Qwest guy messed it up... I might be calling Tech-Support soon, I just dread the 1 hour "on hold" crap they pull.
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You can get your IP on this site  
This returns the IP you're on for the rest of the web. (if this really doesn't works I can pm you your ip address) You prolly have a dhcp server that gives you that lan adress. That server can be your modem or router, or a combination of them. I'm pretty sure of that.

You also can execute command.exe , then type ipconfig. It normally shouldn't close then (or try route PRINT) If there shows up something like gateway followed by a lan address (prolly then you're behind a kind of router. And you'll have to forward a port somehow.  :closedeyes:



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