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Help getting server running?

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I need help getting my server to show on gamespy. I have been working at it for like a week now and it is it getting frustrating. I want to be able to host my mod when the final product rolls around. Any help is greatly appreciated.

1 - did you unblock your ports from your router
2 - did you remove all of your firewalls
3 - is post game to internet checked


--- Quote ---I need help getting my server to show on gamespy. I have been working at it for like a week now and it is it getting frustrating. I want to be able to host my mod when the final product rolls around. Any help is greatly appreciated.
--- End quote ---
Thing you should do if you have a router is forwarding the port from the computer that's hosting.
The thing forwarding does, is making a port (like 5121 for nwn) appear on the internet side of the router. If some connects to it the router will pass him to the computer behind your router. To do that you have to set your router to make his internet-ip-adress:port (wan side) points to server-ip-adress:port (lan side). If you forward that port you need and make sure no second firewall is blocking nwn (in case of sygate just let the firewall allow all trafic for the application nwserver.exe), then poeple can connect.

If you have a hardware router (little box) and don't know how to forward, look in it's manual. Usual you can acces it from a browser, and easy set what ip:ports should be forwarded.

To enable gamespy look in the nwndirectory from where you run the server for nwnplayer.ini.
GameSpy Enabled=1
Make sure this is set to 1 if you want it listed on gamespy.
Game Type=0
This sets the game on the action list. Other numbers set it in a other list, like 1 for story.

So -> forward the port -> edit nwnplayer.ini -> try to connect with nwn to the routers internet(wan) ip adress. If you can connect, look in the gamespy list if you can see your server, if so, you can ask a friend to connect to be sure everything works.

For information on port numbers you can look here
Note: not all ports are registered, nwn's 5121 isn't for example. Also, it's not because it's a registerd port that it's safe to set it open. It's best to close all ports exept those you really need.

--- Quote ---1 - did you unblock your ports from your router
2 - did you remove all of your firewalls
3 - is post game to internet checked
--- End quote ---
Removing all of your protections to go online and make your ip know to others is somewhat a securety risk if you ask me  <_<


also be aware - some older routers with NAT enabled will NEVER work with nwn (or with other online games). eg: Alcatel Speedtouch Pro is a really crappy NAT router.

you will need to convert it to bridge mode for it to work.

also look on bioware's official site - there are many other ports which need ot be open - most of them are meant to be opened by nwn itself, but sometimes the router refuses the software's requests.

Sorry for not specifying, but I do not have a router, my firewall was off then i tried and yes post game to net was on...


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