Other > Random Ranting

What is your view of the world?

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your to much wobbles :lol:

Exactly! like wobbles said Troy kicks ass! And that's why God should not exist!

Well anyway, the curious thing is that even if there was no religion, mankind seems able to gravitate towards a common belief in what is good.

Does NWN have a religion? If christianity was not part of nwn what would it be like? I think.. as I look at all the players I have known (the good and the bad etc) they all have unique nwn values.

But like I said - the aliens are coming!!!

what the hell? A common religion? NO, no one has to do anything differently. Im a magus, others are Christions, Catholics, Jewish, and whatever else exists and no one has any right to change it or say that it should be changed. If you are talking about a RP religion you could i guess. I favor Correlon Larethian.


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