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I use AVG for virus scanning. Fast and free.

Thx, Mel. Iv got one of them scanning right now, i just really hope it works


--- Quote ---Thx, Mel. Iv got one of them scanning right now, i just really hope it works
--- End quote ---
Well the virusscanner is way faster and doesn't loads your system as much as norton and like. This also mean it prolly will protect a bit less then the big comercial antivirus scanner.

But I like to be able to work on my computer too, norton did slow it too much down.
About if it works, I did write a infected file on my hdd and on writing it the virus scan did find it. Seems fair enough.


Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---
--- Quote ---My upstairs computer died yesterday due to a bug that I'm not sure where it came from. My dad thinks that it's my fault because I'm practically the only one who uses internet explorer, and internet explorer is what got affected. I don't know what's going to happen to our upstairs computer, but I advise you all to run a virus-scan on your computers just as a precaution, because the virus, although I highly doubt it, may have been transmitted to or from LM.

-Lord Elessar
--- End quote ---
If it's LM that would mean the board was hacked  :blink:
I will see if I can find something.

Sidenote: Use firefox and blockoff that Iexplore.

--- End quote ---

i know, but some odd reason i couldn't fix, lm wouldnt show up properly on firefox. my com is fixed now and firefox will prob have no problem getting lm showing properly now. i just wanted to say this just in case. i don't want anything to happen to your computers.

-Lord Elessar

Well I just finished completely barracading my PC from all these spywares and viruses.  Upgraded to Win XP SP2, installed Spybot and TeaTimer.  Disabled Iexplore (as Mel said), installed Norton Internet Security (hardcore program, highly recommended).  I used the Norton Firewall to block IE (most spyware comes through security holes in IE).  All I use is Firefox and Thunderbird for email.


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