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Elessar Telrunya:
My upstairs computer died yesterday due to a bug that I'm not sure where it came from. My dad thinks that it's my fault because I'm practically the only one who uses internet explorer, and internet explorer is what got affected. I don't know what's going to happen to our upstairs computer, but I advise you all to run a virus-scan on your computers just as a precaution, because the virus, although I highly doubt it, may have been transmitted to or from LM.

-Lord Elessar


--- Quote ---My upstairs computer died yesterday due to a bug that I'm not sure where it came from. My dad thinks that it's my fault because I'm practically the only one who uses internet explorer, and internet explorer is what got affected. I don't know what's going to happen to our upstairs computer, but I advise you all to run a virus-scan on your computers just as a precaution, because the virus, although I highly doubt it, may have been transmitted to or from LM.

-Lord Elessar
--- End quote ---
If it's LM that would mean the board was hacked  :blink:
I will see if I can find something.

Sidenote: Use firefox and blockoff that Iexplore.


Don't think LM has anything to do with it. Everything seems clean + I doubt if they would have hacked this.

Anyway, can you give a bit more info about what happend? I'm interested.



Now thats over with, why are you still using internet explorer? You where just asking for bugs and virus's. Still sucks though.

Good luck Elessar.

Maybe this is usefull, the links there :P

--- Quote ---
--- Quote --- im grounded and my cpu is full so much spyware and shit that  I cant play any game (hence my inactivity)
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Just back things up and reinstall everything on it. And don't use iexplore to browse the web. At least that is what I would do.

Funny thing is , never had spyware and never had a virus on my pc, I scan my pc once each 2-3years or so. Never found anything. Last time I checked is 1 week ago.

Atm I'm happy whit a few free to use programs (as long you're not useing it comercial)

You might want to check these sites:
A firewall (sygate)
A free virus scanner (doesn't loads your pc as heavy as norton and like)
Just dl firefox here and block off that Iexplore :P
And I use win2k, it's just way better than xp.
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