LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Personal note pad

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Soul Sojourner:
I think these boards are very easy and efficient. Trust me, I have posted on boards that are have more posts asking how to do things on the board than any other posts at all!


--- Quote ---I think these boards are very easy and efficient. Trust me, I have posted on boards that are have more posts asking how to do things on the board than any other posts at all!
--- End quote ---
You miss my point. And you don't know what the code of this boards looks like.

I'm absolutly not talking about the looks and user interface of this board. On most points it's really ok. There are a few bugs too, but I don't think many know where.

On the side of the codes and database this board is quite heavy, and complex. It also has a lot of feature where I ask myself about, "do we ever need that?" I'm not saying this board is bad, I just know other boards that are better in my oppinion.


mel is not refering to this forum, she's refering to this board, the invision power board...

ok, so how about this skin? sucks or good

we just gota change the logo


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