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Personal note pad

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Sher Reyer:
Hi everyone, there's so many great functions on this website and I would like to announce a few of the usefull ones.

One of them is your personal note pad, it's located in your control panel. In the note pad you can put anything you want, you can put cd keys for games so you don't lose them, you can put notes, passwords anything. Myself or any of the admins nor anybody on this board but yourself can veiw the notes. I have my nwn cd keys in my notepad so i never lose them, the notes will NEVER get eraced unless you erace it.

i have to admit, i have never used it, but im always finding new functionality in this forum :)

well its the most advanced i have seen so far..

good work :)


--- Quote ---i have to admit, i have never used it, but im always finding new functionality in this forum :)

well its the most advanced i have seen so far..

good work :)
--- End quote ---
Have serval reazons why I dislike this board type, it's complex, comercial, heavy. I prefer things like phpbb2 over it. It can do way more once you mod it a bit. Modding makes it perfectly suited for your needs too. (and I'm a opensource fan)

Anyway, if the server is good, if you don't run on a p166 whit 640x480 resolution, if you don't have to fix the board. Then this is fine.

I'm just silly one seeing problems everywhere :P


complex, comercial, heavy

just the words i like :)

i prefer it to the simplistic types, does the business :)


--- Quote ---complex, comercial, heavy

just the words i like :)

i prefer it to the simplistic types, does the business :)
--- End quote ---
complex, comercial, heavy = not efficient + cost money (exept illigal)

I like it better working, less powercomsuming, more stable, easyer to edit, and free.

But can do the job of course, just my personal opinion about what's the best of them.



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