Neverwinter Nights > Script Request
boot script
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--- Quote ---This is simple and should do.. Place OnActivate
--- Code: ---void main()
object oItem = GetItemActivated();
if(GetTag(oItem) == "TAG")
object oPC = GetItemActivatedTarget();
--- End code ---
This way you can copy the if(GetTag(oItem) == "TAG") to add more items if you need.. Just add it under the } under boot, and define the variables again.
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i would have requested it for an onactivate script if i wanted one.
i just need a very simple boot script that is activated by another script.
-Lord Elessar
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Excuse me for not knowing exactly what you wanted when you said 'plain boot script'
Elessar Telrunya:
dun matter i got what i need
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--- Quote ---can someone give me a way to target something for a script in a conversation?
-Lord Elessar
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You mean the speaker, or a person that's the target of a item that makes the conv start? Something like a dm wand?
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yes bzk should know since i asked him to help me test earlier. I'm looking for a way so that when I click on the choice the conversation closes and a target button pops up like with spells and i click the person i wish to target.
-Lord Elessar
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That's like making a selfmade spell (is possible). I think target and then chose is easyer.
I used a list of special ability's for that on the old arivs, to boot ect. Including a nice cast graphic and so. But they nerfed the special ability's (securty/anti-hack) whit patch 1.64 for pc's. So you'll have to do it in a other way. Not yet have a clear idea (6.43am for me, can't think :P)
Daniel, just do what i did and give everyone an item that teleports them to certain areas (that way they don't have to keep coming back to the same area)...course i don't know if you are a PvP or an Adventure mod
--- Quote ---Daniel, just do what i did and give everyone an item that teleports them to certain areas (that way they don't have to keep coming back to the same area)...course i don't know if you are a PvP or an Adventure mod
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As far I know he use that now, but want's the dialoge way.
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