LucidMagic > Feedback & Community


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Running a forum on a web always takes a lot of effort on the par tof moderators who constantly have to delete, modify and move posts. If you look at a huge forum like used to run, or even one on nwn bioware's official forums, the team of moderators are very busy :-

1) deleting posts which are contrary to the rule sof the forums or which make no contribution to the forum at all
2) modify posts which refer to things prohibited by the rules of the forum
3) move posts which are made in wrong sections of the forum

everything else is "spam". they don't call it "spam" but it is. if the moderators leave spam on the forums, it tends to build up as people tend to copycat each other.

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---hits elessar with a boot *thwack*

seriously thou it doesnt seem that we have a huge problem... everyone has spammed a bit here (especially elessar wen he first came)

in rand ranting, topics should just be allowed to go whatever direction ppl want
--- End quote ---

what 'choo hit me for? lol ;D trust me i post as i did then as i do now on HPFF. its actually not irregular since there are so many members there.... so i have to remember to kool down the posting jets when i move from there to here. :)

-Lord Elessar


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