Other > Random Ranting
Blood Angel:
I like watching movies and ofcourse I had to watch those HP movies too. Now the first two were fine, but the third one I have to say was way better, good movie. Can't keep up the pase with those that read the books though :P
Harry potter haters, unite!
Elessar Telrunya:
--- Quote ---The books are fine, harry himself is just little teenager that refuse to listen to others. In the 5th book for example he's getting lessons to arm himself againt those dreams he get. But he just takes a fly out of the school because yet a other dream, thinking they are good while everyone warns him about them.
The two twins are still my favorites in the book, bad they left the school already.
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GO WEASLEY TWINS! true Harry is a bit of a hothead, but i think its just the age. James was a hot head then too so.... besides snape is a lousy git!
--- Quote ---... :closedeyes: Harry Potter book 1 was so absolutely horrible that i maybe got 3/4 the way done with it before i refused to read it anymore. I have not even wasted my time trying any of the others.
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the others are much better. i think you might like them if you give them a try.
--- Quote ---I like watching movies and ofcourse I had to watch those HP movies too. Now the first two were fine, but the third one I have to say was way better, good movie. Can't keep up the pase with those that read the books though :P
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yeah the third one is really great, but >.< it left out a lot that made some of the HP fans who have read the books atleast 5 times(i bet some have done over 10) know, and kind of regret a wee bit.
--- Quote ---Harry potter haters, unite!
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didn't i ask people not to post if they dont have anything good to say about this?
--- Quote ---HOT DIGGITY!! Hooray for J.K. Rowling for completing this book so soon. Honestly, I don't read a lot of books since I have the tendency to just pass out/fall asleep after 10 minutes of reading. But Harry Potter is one of the few books that I actually enjoy.
So, anyone have any theories on who's the Prince? I've got an idea, but I don't want to say anything so I don't ruin it for anyone else. I'll give it a few days to see if it anyone will object to me posting my theory. Otherwise, you'll have to PM me.
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:P I have two ideas. One is that it's Snape and that he was able to hide the fact that he was half-blood from voldemort using occlumency, and never told anyone else incase they ratted him out as half-blood, and the other is hagrid, because technically he is a half-blood :) :P
-Lord Elessar
(wow I nearly signed my HPFF name because I almost never talk about HP here lol)
Lance Ezekiel:
The Harry Potter(Pothead :P ) movies are ok BUT Harry Potter him self i hate theres just something i dont like about him
He turned his aunt into a fat-balloon. :D
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