Other > Random Ranting

The King is Dead! Long live the King!

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--- Quote ---1) No one can force someone to/take down a website. The owner has to.
2) You'd say "The King is dead!" and once a new website shows up, THEN you say "Long live the King!"

--- End quote ---

It's actually quite easy to take down a web site, if your material doesn't conform to your ISP or Web Hosting service polices.  Happend to me...won't say why  :ninja:

there's a lot of sites running torreents besides suprnova
so yes there is anew king but now its a bit like guerrilla warfare cos no one ones to tell whop the new king is. It makes it too easy for the people to track him down and kill him...

so now its going back to the old days when software was really hard to get . but it isn't quite as bad as that yet.


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